From 1980 featuring Hundertwasser's 1975 artwork ESCAPE OF THE INDOOR SKY. Each with united nations stanps and for the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL. The world of architecture has always boasted mavericks, who produce buildings utterly outside the reigning aesthetic, barely complying with regulations, yet escaping ridicule or suppression through their childlike authenticity, embellishment and logic. Elemer Zalotay has a following in Switzerland for work of this kind, while Lucien Kroll attracted even greater attention in Belgium. Both were born about the same time as the Austrian artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser, who has died aged 71, on board the Queen Elizabeth II en route from his New Zealand farm to Europe.
Born Friedrich Stowasser into a poor Viennese family, he was brought up by his Jewish mother; his father had been a civil servant and an officer in the Austro-Hungarian army, but died shortly after Friedrich was born. His mother sent him to a Montessori school for a year to develop his artistic talents; after the Anschluss with Germany in 1938, she put him in the Hitler Youth, thus saving both their lives during the second world war. In 1948 Friedrich enrolled at the Vienna Academy of Art (where Hitler had unsuccessfully sought admission 40 years earlier). Although admitted, Friedrich left after three months, and avoided all further institutional education. He changed his surname to Hundertwasser - "sto" in most Slavic languages means 100 - and became an artist.Modifications to his first name continued, until at the height of the dis turbances of 1968, he hit upon Friedensreich, "peaceful realm". Rejecting instruction, and scornful of the reigning modernism, he modelled his highly decorative approach on the art nouveau period, with swirling spiral compositions reminiscent of Gustav Klimt. In 1951, aged 23, he was sufficiently important to be admitted to the Art Club of Vienna, and four years later, after the Red Army had withdrawn from Austria, he began his lifelong foreign travel, at first to locations where his work was exhibited, but later to destinations in Africa, Tahiti, Asia and the Pacific.
When he became wealthy enough, he bought property in New Zealand and later spent much time there. Hundertwasser became involved with architecture because he criticised it. In 1959, as a visiting lecturer in Hamburg, he denounced the aridity of modern architecture, ridiculed symmetry - by wearing different coloured socks - and described straight lines, horizontals and verticals as "the tool of the devil" and "the rotten foundation of our doomed civilisation". He denounced the professional institutions of architecture because they would not permit practice by amateurs.This, he said, proved that architecture was not an art, but a professional conspiracy. Hundertwasser developed these ideas into his Mouldiness Manifesto, a document that enjoyed great popularity during the heyday of the counter-culture, and which introduced him to the American environmental movement, which he supported to the point where, in 1980, he planted 100 trees in Washington - on what he decided to call "Hundertwasser Day". In the 1970s, aiming to break into the closed shop of architecture, he used his fortune and notoriety to establish himself as the leading European representative of an alternative, non-profes sional "organic" architecture movement. From the outset, he ridiculed and rejected rationalist and functionalist architectural theory, and scorned every manifestation of industrialised architecture with standardised, repeated components.
He sought to create buildings that were giant versions of his own artworks, with chaotically disposed windows and cellular plans featuring rooms of different sizes and shapes, tortuous circulation spaces, undulating floors, balconies and roof gardens. The result was an architectural anthropomorphism that never succeeded in transferring convincingly to full sized, built form, despite the anarchic promise of the sketch and model stage.Hundertwasser's best-known building - and the clearest illustration of his failure to eradicate straight lines - was the Hundertwasser Haus, a block of flats for Vienna city council, opened in 1986. With 50 apartments and modern communal facilities, it tries hard to obscure its conventional engineering shape by means of planting and non-organic embellishments, scattered windows, undulating stripes of colour and mosaics of broken glass and crockery.
It was joined in 1991 by the Hundertwasser museum. More successful in conventional architectural terms was his work in the Austrian town of Blumau, where he designed a thermal bath-house and was working on a vast leisure and housing park project at the time of his death. Hundertwasser was an artist who relied on attack and inspiration, and neither ever let him down. He was twice married for short periods; both unions ended in divorce.
According to his wish, he was buried on his New Zealand farm in what he called "the garden of the happy dead". Friedensreich Hundertwasser (Friedrich Stowasser), artist and architect, born December 15 1928; died February 19 2000. Born in Vienna on December 15th as Friedrich Stowasser.Friedrich Stowasser with his mother at the seaside, c. Hundertwasser with René Brô in the Castiglione pavillon at Saint-Mandé near Paris in front of the mural they painted together, 1950. Hundertwasser before the opening of his exhibition at Studio Paul Facchetti, Paris, 1954. Death of his father, technical civil servant and officer in World War I. First deliberate crayon drawings after nature.
During this year, about 69 Jewish relations on his mother's side are deported and killed. Spends three months at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, under Prof. Lastingly influenced by a Walter Kampmann exhibition in the Albertina and by Schiele exhibitions. Start of extensive travelling: North Italy, Tuscany, Rome, Napels, Sicily. In Florence he meets René Brô and follows him to Paris.Develops his own style and adopts the name Hundertwasser. Stays in Paris with Brô and the Dumage family.
Leaves the Ecole des Beaux Arts on his first day. Paints two murals together with Brô in Saint Mandé. First exhibition at the Art Club of Vienna. Works in Brô's studio, St. Second Art Club exhibition, Vienna. First exhibition in Paris at Studio Paul Facchetti. Develops the theory of "transautomatism" and begins to number his works.Marries in Gibraltar (divorced 1960). Reads his Mould Manifesto against Rationalism in Architecture on the occasion of a congress at Seckau monastery. The Hamburg Line - The Growing Red Sea, Lerchenfeld Art Institute, Hamburg, 1959. Speech in the nude for the Right to a Third Skin on the occasion of a Pintorarium action, Galerie Richard P.
Receives the Sanbra Prize at the 5th Sao Paolo Biennial. Founds the "Pintorarium", a universal academy of all creative fields, together with Ernst Fuchs and Arnulf Rainer.
As guest lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg, he draws the Endless Line with Bazon Brock and Harald Schult. Receives the Mainichi Prize at the 6th International Art Exhibition, Tokyo. Very successful exhibiton in Tokyo.
Marries Yuko Ikewada (divorced 1966). Very successful retrospective at the Venice Biennial. Ferry Radax films the first domentary on Hundertwasser in "La Picaudière" and in the Austria Waldviertel region (Lower Austria). Travels to Uganda and the Sudan. Touring exhibition in galleries in Paris, London, Geneva, Berlin. Nude demonstration for The Right to a Third Skin in Munich. Second Nude speech and reading of architecture boycott manifesto Los von Loos (Loose from Loos) in Vienna.Travels to California to prepare a cataloge for a museum exhibition at the University of California, Berkeley, (organized by Herschel Chipp). Works on the Olympia poster for Munich in Lengmoos. Hundertwasser on the Eurovision programme'Make a Wish' with Dietmar Schönherr, Dusseldorf, 1972. Collaboration with Peter Schamoni on the film Hundertwasser Regentag.
Works on the Regentag print portfolio at the Dietz printshop in Lengmoos, Bavaria. On the TV show "Wünsch Dir was" (Make a wish) demonstrates roof forestation and individual facade design. Publishes manifesto Your window right - your tree duty. The Regentag film is shown in Cannes. Sails around Italy to Elba in the "Regentag". First portfolio with Japanese woodcuts: Nana Hiaku Mizu. Hundertwasser is the first European painter to have his works cut by Japanese masters.Takes part in the Triennale di Milano, where 12 Tree Tenants are planted in windows on the Via Manzoni. Publishes manifesto Humus Toilet in Munich.
The world travelling exhibition tour Austria presents Hundertwasser to the Continents (with catalogue) begins in the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. The Albertina exhibition of his entire graphic oeuvre begins a tour through the USA: New York, Boston. World touring exhibition: Tel Aviv, Warsaw, Reykjavik, Copenhagen, Dakar. Albertina graphic tour in the USA: Hanover, Brooklyn, Maryland.
Designs the Peace Flag for the Near East with a green Arab crescent moon and blue Star of David against a white background and publishes his Peace Manifesto. World touring exhibition: Mexico City, Montreal, Toronto, Brussels, Budapest. Albertina graphic tour: Canada, Germany, Morocco. Peace Flag and Peace Manifesto are sent by Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky to heads of state in the Near East. The Austrian State Printing Office prints three stamps for the Republic of Senegal and one for the Republic of the Cape Verde Islands, engraved by Wolfgang Seidel.
848 B RIGHT TO CREATE. Strategic discussion with ecologist Peter Weish at the sit-in to save the Hainburg Au, 1984. 862 THE KORU FLAG FOR NEW ZEALAND, 1983. 876 AUSFLAG - ULURU FLAG. Flag design for Australia, 1986."Hundertwasser Day" in Washington, D. On November 18th, proclaimed by Mayor Marion Barry. Planting of the first 12 of 100 trees on Judiciary Square, Washington, D. Presentation of the anti-nuclear poster Plant Trees Avert Nuclear Peril to Ralph Nader's Critical Mass Energy Project, Washington, D.
Along with the environmental poster Arche Noah 2000 for Germany. Speaks on ecology, against nuclear power and for an architecture befitting man and nature in the US Senate, the Corcoran Museum, the Phillips Collection, all in Washington; in Berlin on the occasion of the 2nd European Ecology Symposium, at the Technological Universities in Vienna and Oslo.
Speech in Vienna on False Art against nuclear energy and negative avantgarde in modern art on the occasion of receiving the Grand Austrian State Prize on 14 February (awarded 1980). Appointed head of a Master School for painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. Writes Guidelines for the Hundertwasser Master School. As "architecture doctor", redesigns the facade of the Rosenthal Factory of Selb. Makes ceramic tongue-beards for the facade of the Museum Rupertinum, Salzburg.
Donates poster Artists for Peace to the Krefeld Initiative. "Hundertwasser Week" in San Francisco, proclaimed by Dianne Feinstein, Mayor of San Francisco, to mark the presentation of the two posters Save the Whales and Save the Seas to Greenpeace and Jacques Cousteau Society. Presentation of the poster You are a Guest of Nature to the Centre of Environmental Education, Washington D. Cornerstone of the Hundertwasser House is laid in Vienna.
Designs a flag for New Zealand, the Koru, an Unfurled Fern. Takes an active part in the campaign to save Hainburg wetlands.
Camps there for a week. Designs the poster Hainburg - Die freie Natur ist unsere Freiheit (Free Nature is Our Freedom).
On 17 February the Hundertwasser House is is turned over to the tenants; 70,000 visitors have attended the "Open House". 1,000 green Koru-flags flow in New Zealand; great interest on the part of the population, press and parliament. Designs Uluru - Down Under Flag for Australia. Work on the design of the Brockhaus encyclopaedia, continuing into the next year. Cept Europalia 1987, a stamp depicting the Residential Building of the City of Vienna, appears in March in Austria.
Designs the Luna-Luna poster for André Heller. Designs the poster and redisigns the Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussels for Europalia. Drafts a new design for the Church of St. Barbara in Bärnbach, Styria, and plans a Children's Day-care Centre in Heddernheim, Frankfurt. At the invitation of the Mayor of Vienna, Helmut Zilk, he takes on the task of redesigning Vienna's Spittelau District Heating Plant. Teaches at the International Summer-Academy in Salzburg Human Architecture in Harmony with Nature with Efthymios Warlamis and Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt. Awarded the Golden Medal of Honour of the City of Vienna and the Golden Medal of Honour of the State of Styria. Builds his Hügelwiesenland In the Meadow Hills (Rolling Hills) model. Work on architectural realisations: KunstHausWien; Motorway-Restaurant Bad Fischau; AGIP Service Station Vienna; HBW Incinerator Spittelau Vienna; In the Meadows, Bad Soden, Germany; Village Shopping Mall, Vienna; Textile Factory Muntlix, Vorarlberg; Winery Napa Valley, California. Completion of KunstHausWien, opening on April, 9. Concept and development of architectural projects: the Thermal Village Blumau, Styria, for Rogner Austria, which is based on Hundertwasser's Rolling Hills. Town planning for Griffen, Carinthia, Austria.Housing comples Living beneath the Rain Tower in Plochingen, Germany. Presentation of the Hundertwasser Art Jeton designed for Casino Austria. 934 COUNTDOWN 21ST CENTURY MONUMENT FOR TBS.
BOEING B 757 CONDOR, Airplane design, 1995. In Tokyo Hundertwasser's 21st Century Clock Monument is installed.
The Tokyo Braodcasting System broadcasts a TV documentary on Hundertwasser's architecture and his ecological commitment. Work on the Hundertwasser-Bible project. Involvement in the campaign opposing Austria's joining the European Union. Works on Blumau Hot Springs Village.
Redesign of Martin-Luther-Grammar School in Wittenberg, Germany. Design for the exterior of a Boeing B 757 for the German Condor airline, rejected. Awarded the Tourism Prize of Viennese Industry 1996.
Presentation of the architectural project Die Wald-Spirale von Darmstadt. Exhibition of stamp designs, graphic work and architecture models at the Philatelia in Cologne.
Awarded the "Grand Prix of German philately". Works on 366 individual book cover designs for Bertelsmann Book Club. Inauguration of the Rogner Thermal Bath in Blumau, Styria. Design and model of the architecture project MOP for the city of Osaka, Japan, and Hoch-Wiesen for Dresden, Germany. Architectural design and model for a farmers's market in Altenrhein, Switzerland. Retrospective museum exhibition at the Institute Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt, Germany.The Submersion of Atlantis, a ceramic-mural is installed at Oriente station in Lisbon. Supports an ecological project for the afforestation of the desert in Israel with his poster Among trees you feel at home. Hundertwasser lives and works in New Zealand.
Architectural projects: Sludge Center, Osaka; The Green Citadel of Magdeburg and Uelzen Railroad Station, Germany. Reconstruction work for the new Kawakawa Public Toilet, New Zealand. Designs the layout and book covers for his oeuvre raisonné books. The tulip tree growing on Hundertwasser's grave, 2008.
Architectural projects for Teneriffa and Dillingen/Saar, Germany. Dies on Saturday, February, 19, in the Pacific, on board of Queen Elizabeth II from a heart attack. According to his wish he is being buried in harmony with nature on his land in New Zealand, in the Garden of the Happy Deads, under a tulip tree. What does a man need in order to be happy.
Progression is retrogression and retrogression becomes progression. My painting is, I think, completely different because it is vegetative painting. One reason why other people do not want to paint vegetatively or want to take to a vegetative way of life is because it begins too unpretentiously, it does not have great eclat or drum roll; on the contrary it grows quite slowly and simply, and that does not appeal to our social order, people want instant results based on the slash and burn principle.I should like, and I do it too quite instinctively, to live an example, live an example to people, paint for them a paradise that each may have, he need only grasp it. Paradise is there, but we destroy it. I want to show how basically simple it is to have paradise on earth.
And everything that the religions and dogmas and the various political creeds promise, is all nonsense. And there of course I come into conflict with society which completely misunderstands that.
They believe that it is eccentricity, just a publicity stunt, but they forget that that is part of myself, that that is my natural form of expression. Why may a human being not do what he needs to do, like a flower. The colourful, the abundant, the manifold, is always better than mediocre grey and uniformity. Only those who think and live creatively will survive in this life and beyond.One must live as though one were at war and everything rationed. Must think independently, must economize. Man must take care that the cycle functions. The cycle from eating to shitting functions naturally. But the cycle from shitting to eating is disconnected.
Being happy does not depend on wealth at all. Does not depend on production. That is difficult to say. Paintings for me are gateways, which enable me, if I have. Been successful, to open them into a world which is both. Near and far for us, to which we have no admission, in. Which we find ourselves, but which we cannot perceive. Which is against the real world. Our parallel world, from which we remove ourselves in one respect. Yes, and that is the paradise, that is what we are in, what we are arrested in, and which some inexplicable power denies us. And so I have succeeded in throwing windows open. How I succeeded is difficult to explain. On no account by force, nor by calculation, nor by intelligence, nor necessarily by intuition, but almost as though sleep-walking. The work of the artist is very difficult, because it cannot be done by force, diligence or intelligence. I think that by strength and diligence and intelligence one can do anything else in life, but the rewards of art are totally unattainable by these means. Therefore, by goodness even a good person, finds himself suddenly up against a barrier, he cannot get beyond it. It is very strange, isn't it, if a man contributes all he has, diligence, goodness, perseverance, intelligence, everything that he has, and in spite of that he doesn't get anywhere.What is the reason for this. People used to say in earlier times that it was the muse, for example, it's a stupid thing to say of course, but it is some kind of illumination. And the only thing one can do is to prepare the ground, so that this extraterrestrial impulse or however else one might describe it can reach you. That means keeping oneself ready.
That means eliminating the will, eliminating the intelligence, eliminating "wanting to do better", eliminating ambition. I should perhaps like to be known as the magician of vegetation or something similar. We are in need of magic. I fill a picture until it is full with magic, as one fills up a glass with water. Everything is so infinitely simple, so infinitely beautiful.
Born 15 December in Vienna as Friedrich Stowasser. Death of his father, a technical civil servant and officer in World War I. Attends the Montessori School in Vienna for one year. His report refers to his "unusual sense of colour and form". First deliberate crayon drawings from nature.
During this year, about 69 of his Jewish relations - on his mother's side - are deported and killed, including his aunt and grandmother. Speech at Leopoldskron Castle, Salzburg: Everybody must be creative. Start of extensive travelling: Northern Italy, Tuscany, Rome, Naples, Sicily. Leaves the Ecole des Beaux Arts on the very first day. Spends the winter and spring in Morocco and Tunisia.Becomes a member of the Art Club, Vienna. First exhibition in Art Club of Vienna. Hospitalised September and October in Ospedale Santo Spirito in Rome with jaundice, where he paints a large number of watercolours. Exhibition at Carlo Cardazzo's Galleria del Naviglio, Milan.
Second exhibition at Facchetti's in Paris. In the summer, he sails as a deckhand with Hans Neuffer on the S. Bauta from Söderhamm to Hull.
Publishes La visibilité de la création transautomatique (The Visibility of Transautomatic Creation) in "Cimaises" and Cinéma individuel transautomatique (The individual transautomatic cinema) in "Phases" in Paris. Friendship with collector Siegfried Poppe, Hamburg. Buys "La Picaudière", a farmhouse in Normandy. Publishes La Grammaire du Voir (The Grammar of Seeing) in Paris. Reads his Mouldiness Manifesto against Rationalism in Architecture at a symposium in Seckau monastery on 4 July.Receives the Sanbra Prize at the 5th São Paulo Biennale. Together with Ernst Fuchs and Arnulf Rainer, founds the "Pintorarium", a universal academy of all creative fields. As guest lecturer at the Academy of Fine Art in Hamburg he draws the Endless Line with Bazon Brock and Schuldt. Nettle campaign in Paris in conjunction with Alain Jouffroy's "Antiprocès" - "how one can live independently". Exhibition in Galerie Raymond Cordier, Paris.
Successful exhibition in Tokyo Gallery. Paints on the Giudecca, Venice. Very successful retrospective at the Venice Biennale, organised by Vinzenz Ludwig Oberhammer. Travels to Greece; represented by Siegfried Adler. Climbing trip in the Tyrolean Alps. Large retrospective in the Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hanover, organised by Wieland Schmied. The exhibition also travels to Bern, Hagen, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Vienna. The Kestner-Gesellschaft publishes the first oeuvre catalogue. Essay on 35 Days in Sweden. Great success of touring exhibition in the Moderna Museet, Stockholm. Ferry Radax films the first documentary on Hundertwasser in "La Picaudière" and in Waldviertel, Lower Austria. Exhibition at Hammerlund's, Oslo. Visits Uganda and the Sudan. Travelling exhibition in galleries in Paris, London, Geneva, Berlin.Nude Speech for The Right to the Third Skin at Galerie Hartmann, Munich. Second Nude Speech and reading his Architecture-Boycott Manifesto Los von Loos (Loose from Loos) in Vienna.
Travels to Northern California to prepare a catalogue for his museum exhibition at the University of California, Berkeley, organised by Herschel Chipp. Sails from Sicily to Venice in the "San Giuseppe T", an old wooden salt hauler.
Hundertwasser with his mother Elsa shortly before her death, Vienna, 1972. Hundertwasser during the tree-tenant demonstration on Via Manzoni at the Milan Triennial, 1973. Museum tour of the Berkeley exhibition: Santa Barbara, Houston, Chicago, New York, Washington.Creates graphic work 686 Good Morning City - Bleeding Town in 120 colour variations followed by a court case in Munich lasting 5 years. Lives and works on board the Regentag in the Venice lagoon. Collaboration with Peter Schamoni on the film Hundertwasser's Rainy Day.
Works on the Regentag graphic portfolio at Dietz Offizin in Lengmoos, Bavaria. Sails down the Dalmatian coast in the Regentag with Peter Schamoni and Manfred Bockelmann; balloon flight with the two of them from Bavaria to Austria. On the TV show "Wünsch Dir was" (Make a Wish), demonstrates roof forestation and individual façade design. The Rainy Day film is shown in Cannes. Sails round Italy to Elba in the Regentag.First portfolio with Japanese woodcuts: Nana Hyaku Mizu. Trip to the Cape Verde Islands and to New Zealand to his Museum travelling exhibition, organised by Hertha Dabbert, in Auckland, New Plymouth, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin.
Takes part in the Milan Triennial, where 15 Tree Tenants are planted in windows in the Via Manzoni, and publishes manifesto Inquilino Albero. Exhibition at Aberbach Fine Art, New York. Travelling exhibition through museums in Australia: Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Mornington. The exhibition Stowasser 1943 - Hundertwasser 1974 is shown at the Albertina State Collection of Graphic Art in Vienna, including the exhibition Friedrich Stowasser 1943 - 1949, featuring his entire juvenile oeuvre. Afterwards the Albertina exhibition of his entire graphic oeuvre begins a tour through Yugoslavia.
Paints the Conservation Week poster for New Zealand and receives the Conservation Award. Presents his proposals for a pedestrian area in Vienna's Seilergasse, which are rejected.Sails to Tunisia, Cyprus and Israel in the Regentag. Exhibition at Facchetti's, Paris. Hundertwasser with his paintings in the Waldviertel (Lower Austria), 1978. 863 PEACE FLAG FOR THE BELOVED LAND, 1978.
791 SQUARE HUNDERTWASSER WAVY FACE. Second Japanese woodcut portfolio: Midori No Namida. Retrospective exhibition in Haus der Kunst, Munich. Publishes Humus Toilet manifesto in Munich. Designs a stamp for Austria: the Spiral Tree, engraved by Wolfgang Seidel, thus launching the series "Modern Art in Austria". Beginning of the world travelling museum exhibition "Austria Presents Hundertwasser to the Continents" in the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, continues until 1983 in 27 countries and 40 museums. In 1975 continued: Luxembourg, Marseille, Cairo. The Albertina exhibition of his entire graphic oeuvre begins a tour through the U. It continues until 1992 in 15 countries and more than 80 museums and galleries.Sails the Regentag across the Atlantic to the Caribbean and through the Panama Canal to the Pacific. Sails on board the Regentag from Tahiti via Rorotonga to New Zealand. World travelling museum exhibition: Tel Aviv, Warsaw, Reykjavik, Copenhagen, Dakar. Albertina travelling exhibition in the U. Following two accidents, spends two months in Kawakawa hospital in New Zealand.
Travels from Asia to South America, from Tokyo, Manila, Bangkok, Chen Mai, to Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia. From Manaus, sails in an open boat up the Rio Negro and Rio Branco. Speech to the "Premières Rencontres Européennes du Cadre de Vie" at UNESCO Paris in December. World travelling museum exhibition: Tokyo, Yokohama, Hong Kong, Cape Town, Pretoria, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia, São Paulo, Caracas. Spends January and February in the "Hahnsäge" in Waldviertel, Lower Austria, in the snow with his friend Brô and paints seven pictures. After six years of development he completes a 3-D object with Alberto della Vecchia, 780 Fall in Cloud - Fall in Fog - Fall Out. Designs the Peace Flag for the Holy Land, with a green Arab crescent moon and blue Star of David against a white background, and publishes his Peace Manifesto. Travels to Senegal as guest of President Léopold Sédar Senghor. World travelling exhibition: Mexico City, Montreal, Toronto, Brussels, Budapest. Albertina travelling exhibition: Canada, Germany, Morocco. Travels to New York, San Francisco, Tahiti, New Zealand.Peace Flag and Peace Manifesto are sent by Austrian Federal Chancellor Bruno Kreisky to Middle-Eastern heads of state. Three stamps printed for the Republic of Senegal and one for the Republic of Cape Verde Islands, engraved by Wolfgang Seidel. Experiments with humus toilets without chimney vent and indoor and outdoor water purification with plants.
Reads manifesto on recycling Shit Culture - Holy Shit at Pfäffikon on the Lake of Zurich. Designs the book Ao Tea Roa edited by Hans Brockstedt. Spends the summer painting in Algajola on Corsica. World travelling exhibition: Madrid, Pfäffikon. Albertina travelling exhibition: Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy, Great Britain.
The travelling exhibition Hundertwasser Is Painting, with 40 works starts in Aberbach Fine Art, New York. At the start of the year, travels to Qatar, Sri Lanka, the Maldives and New Zealand. Presents 5 model designs for the apartment house at Löwengasse/Kegelgasse commissioned by the Municipality of Vienna. The first 12 of 100 trees are planted in Judiciary Square, Washington, D. And the anti-nuclear poster Plant Trees - Avert Nuclear Peril is presented to Ralph Nader's Critical Mass Energy Project, Washington, D. Speaks on ecology, against nuclear power and for a more human architecture in harmony with nature in the U. Senate, the Corcoran Museum, the Philipps Collection in Washington, D. In Berlin on the occasion of the 2nd European Ecology Symposium, in Vienna and Oslo Technical Universities.Spends the summer painting on the island of Porquerolles. World travelling exhibition: Rome, Milan, Oslo, Cologne. Albertina travelling exhibition: France, Germany, U.
Hundertwasser Is Painting: Tokyo, Hamburg, Oslo. Hundertwasser on the green roof of his studio, Vienna, c. 862 KORU FLAG FOR NEW ZEALAND, 1983.
Down Under Flag for Australia, 1986. 899 BÄRNBACHER ANDACHT, colour etching, 1987. "Number plate bus" campaiging in front of the Parliament, Vienna, April 1989. IN THE MEADOW HILLS, Architecture model, 1989. AGIP SERVICE STATION, Architecture model, 1989.
At the start of the year, travels with Brô to India, Nepal, New Zealand. On 14 May, receives the 1980 Grand Austrian State Prize for the Arts; reception speech, The False Art, against nuclear energy and negativistic avant-garde in modern art. Receives the Austrian Nature Preservation Prize. Lectures on the environment, architecture and art in Cologne, Munich, Frankfurt, Graz, Vienna, East Berlin, Hamburg. Spends summer painting at Wolfgangsee, Salzburg. World travelling exhibition: Vienna, Graz, East Berlin, Helsinki, Bucharest. Albertina travelling exhibition: France, South America, U. Exhibition Hundertwasser Is Painting: Vienna. Appointed head of a Masterschool for painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.Finishes 16 paintings in New Zealand and Venice. Travels to Chieng Mai in June, to Sardinia in September. As "architecture doctor" redesigns the façade of the Rosenthal Factory in Selb.
Makes a model to redesign a Coal-Rinsing Facility in Hamm, Westphalia, and ceramic tongue-beards for the façade of the Museum Rupertinum, Salzburg. Lectures on architecture, environmental protection and art in Sydney, Manila, Seattle, San Francisco, Washington D. "Hundertwasser Week" in San Francisco from December 5th to 12th, proclaimed by Dianne Feinstein, mayor of San Francisco, to mark the presentation of the two posters Save the Whales and Save the Seas to Greenpeace and Jacques Cousteau Society. Presentation of the poster You Are a Guest of Nature to the Centre of Environmental Education, Washington D.Travels to Tahiti and New Zealand. Albertina travelling exhibition: France, Germany, South America, U. Exhibition at Artcurial in Paris features 20 new and 20 old paintings.
Catalogue with texts by Hundertwasser, Pieyre de Mandiargues, Alain Jouffroy. Founds a committee for the preservation of the old Kawakawa Post Office, New Zealand. Foundation stone of the Hundertwasser House is laid in Vienna. Works on silkscreen 860 Homo Humus Come Va How Do You Do in 10002 different versions in Spinea, Venice. Redesigns the outside walls of a silo at the Danube harbour in Krems. Creates the open-air model of the Highrise Meadow House at the IGA garden exhibition in Munich. Works on the book Schöne Wege - Gedanken über Kunst und Leben (Beautiful Paths: Thoughts on Art and Life). Designs a flag for New Zealand, the Koru, an unfurled fern. Travels to Kenya, the Seychelles and New Zealand.World travelling exhibition: London, York, Edinburgh. Lecture at the Royal College of Art, London. Lives in New Zealand, Tahiti, Venice and Normandy. TV broadcast "The Fall of the Avant-Garde" in Munich with Brauer, Fuchs and Hrdlicka. Receives the City of Goslar's Environmental Protection Prize.
Topping-out ceremony at the Hundertwasser House in Vienna. Works on the construction site. Receives the prize for the most attractive stamp from President Pertini, Italy, for SFr 1.20 stamp for the U.
Exhibitions in Vaduz, Bern, Wels, Zug, Lindau. Takes an active part in campaigns to save the Hainburg riparian forest. Designs the poster Hainburg - Die freie Natur ist unsere Freiheit (Free Nature is Our Freedom); tears up his Grand Austrian State Prize in protest.
Works all year on the building site of the Hundertwasser House, Vienna, together with architect Peter Pelikan, who becomes the artist's closest collaborator in the field of architecture. 70,000 visitors attend the "Open House".
Nominated "Officier dans l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres" by French Minister of Culture Jack Lang, presented over by the French Ambassador in Vienna in 1987. At the end of the year travels back to New Zealand via Toronto, Los Angeles, Tahiti. Exhibition of graphic works in the Musée Gauguin, Tahiti, in December.
February 17th: the Hundertwasser House is presented to its tenants. 1,000 green Koru-flags flown in New Zealand; great interest shown by the population, press and in parliament.World travelling exhibition: Brno and Prague, Czechoslovakia. Exhibitions in: Sweden, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein. Works on the design of the Brockhaus Encyclopaedia in this and the following year. René Brô dies in Paris, where he lived in Hundertwasser's studio. Cept Europalia 1987, a Hundertwasser 6-schilling commemorative stamp, depicting the Hundertwasser-House, appears in March.
Designs the poster for Luna Luna by André Heller and the poster for the Europalia. Redesigns the Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussels for the Europalia. Paints in Waldviertel, Lower Austria. Upon the invitation of mayor Helmut Zilk, he takes on the task of redesigning Vienna's Spittelau Heating Plant, in collaboration with architect Peter Pelikan. Travels to New Zealand; after his return, resumes work on the construction of the Church of St. Produces the colour etching 899 Bärnbacher Andacht as a contribution towards the renovation costs of the church. Writes manifesto Cultural Austria Against the Deportation and Destruction of Villages in Siebenbürgen, Romania. Architecture exhibition in the Galerie Hilger, Frankfurt.He teaches at the International Summer Academy in Salzburg, conducts a master class on Humane Architecture in Harmony with Nature with Efthymios Warlamis and Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt. Consecration of the Church of St. Foundation stone of the Children's Day-care Centre in Heddernheim, Frankfurt, is laid on 20 December. Redesigns and campaigns to retain the black Austrian licence plate.
Works on the design of the Brockhaus Encyclopaedia. Further involvement in the campaign to preserve Austrian identity in the matter of licence plates. The Hundertwasser Brockhaus Encyclopaedia appears in November. Creates Semi-Dako (Japanese kite) for a museum show in Japan. Builds architecture model In the Meadow Hills for the 22nd district in Vienna, rejected for fear of its attraction for tourists.
Lecture on architecture The Green City in Baden, Switzerland. Leaves for New Zealand in December. France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Museum travel exhibition in Japan. Works on architecture projects: KunstHausWien; Motorway Restaurant Bad Fischau; AGIP Service Station, Vienna; District Heating Plant Spittelau, Vienna; In the Meadows, Bad Soden, Germany; Village Shopping Mall, Vienna; Textile Factory Muntlix, Vorarlberg; Winery Napa Valley, California. Exhibitions: France, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany. Spends the spring in New Zealand, lectures at Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, Auckland and Blenheim for the "Living Treasure Programme" and 30-minute TV film production.Inauguration of KunstHausWien in April. Conceives and develops architecture projects: Thermal Village Blumau, Styria, for Rogner Austria, which is an adapted realisation of Hundertwasser's In the Meadow Hills - Rolling Hills idea. Town planning scheme for Griffen, Carinthia, Austria.
Apartment house in Plochingen, Germany. 929 CASINOS AUSTRIA, Chip, 1991.
Hundertwasser with the 1992 prototype of 997 DieHölzerSieben, an architecture-play object. DRINKING FOUNTAIN I, Linz (Upper Austria), 1993/94.
Hundertwasser with prototypes of the Spectacles-Object 1002 Third Eye. The exhibition Creative Architecture - Eternal Longing tours shopping centres in Germany (with 12 architectural models). Exhibition in Tokyo: Hundertwasser - His Art, His Ecology, His Architecture. Presentation of the model for Griffen and panel discussion The Rebirth of Griffen - Does Carinthia need a Hundertwasser Project? Ceremony at the apartment project in Bad Soden, Germany.
Presentation of the first model for the Thermal Village Blumau. Press conference on completion of the Spittelau District Heating Plant. Guest lecture at Takasaki Arts Center College, Japan. Paints in New Zealand, works on the Hundertwasser Bible project. Designs the cover of the Stowasser Latin Dictionary. Topping-out ceremony of the residential complex Living Beneath the Rain Tower in Plochingen, Germany. Humane redesign of the Cancer Ward of the University Clinic in Graz, Austria. Projects for fountains in Zwettl, Lower Austria, and Linz, Upper Austria. On the occasion of his 65th birthday Television broadcasts the holiday matinee "Person-to-Person" in Theater in der Josefstadt, Vienna.Court proceedings on diffamation and blackmailing of his person end with prison sentences of all 3 offenders. Continues the campaign against Austria's joining the EU.
Architecture exhibitions in Vienna, in the Historic Museum of the City of Budapest and in Hanover. Dedication of the drinking fountain in Linz, the fountain in Zwettl and the Living Beneath the Rain Tower complex in Plochingen, Germany.
Exhibition at Landau Fine Art, Montreal, Canada. Commemorating the world summit on social development in Copenhagen. Commemorative cancellation on the 25th anniversary of the "Premio Internazionale Asiago d'arte filatelica".Works on Thermal Village Blumau. Redesign of Martin Luther Gymnasium in Wittenberg, Germany. Architecture exhibition in Rotterdam and Nuremberg. Presentation of the Hundertwasser Bible. Designs for the exterior of a Boeing B 757 for the German Condor Airline, rejected.
Architecture design for the children's museum Kids Plaza in Osaka, Japan. Exhibition of architecture models at the Karstadt department store in Munich. Exhibition at the Municipal Museum in Braunschweig and at the Schleswig-Holstein House, Schwerin.
Awarded the Tourism Prize of the Viennese Industry for 1996. Presentation of the architecture project The Forest Spiral of Darmstadt.
Exhibition of stamp designs, graphic works and architecture models at the Philatelia in Cologne. Works on 366 individual book-cover designs for Bertelsmann Book Club. Visits to Singapore, Napa Valley - architectural work on the Winery, San Francisco and New York.
Inauguration of the Thermal Village Blumau, Styria. Designs for architecture projects "MOP" Maishima Incineration Plant, Osaka, Japan, Hohe-Haine-Dresden (High Groves), Germany, Market Hall Altenrhein, Switzerland. Beginning of construction at the Martin Luther Gymnasium in Wittenberg, Germany. Awarded the "Grand Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria" (posthumously conferred in March 2000).
Lives and paints in La Picaudière, Normandy. Retrospective museum exhibition at Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt, Germany. Museum exhibition tour in Japan at the Isetan Museum of Art, Tokyo, Museum "EKi", Kyoto, Sakura City Museum of Art, Chiba. Artprint edition, donated by Hundertwasser to raise funds for the special support of the reconstruction of the Martin Luther Gymnasium in Wittenberg, Germany.
Awarded the "VDRJ-Prize 1998" in Berlin for outstanding services to tourism by the Association of German Travel Journalists. The Submersion of Atlantis, a ceramic-mural is installed at the new Orient Metro station in Lisbon.Creates and donates an original poster Among Trees You Are At Home to support an ecological project for afforestation of the desert in Israel. Architecture design for the Pumping station, Sakishima Island, and for the Sludge Center, Osaka, Japan. Works on the silkscreen portfolio La Giudecca Colorata.
Works on architectural projects The Green Citadel of Magdeburg and Ronald McDonald-House in Essen, Germany. Presentation of the architecture project Hundertwasser Environmental Railroad Station, Germany. Museum exhibitions tour in Japan: Takamatsu City Museum of Art, Nagoya City Art Museum, The Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe, The Museum of Modern Art Saitama. Designs the layout and book covers for his Catalogue Raisonné and writes commentaries to many of his paintings. Works on architecture projects for Tenerife and Dillingen/Saar, Germany.Dies of heart failure on Saturday, February, 19, in the Pacific, on board of Queen Elizabeth 2. In accordance with his wishes, he is buried in harmony with nature on his land in New Zealand, in the Garden of the Happy Deads, under a tulip tree. I CLOSE MY EYES HALFWAY. JUST AS WHEN I CONCEIVE PAINTINGS. AND I SEE THE HOUSES DUNKELBUNT.
Friedrich Stowasser (December 15, 1928 - February 19, 2000), better known by his pseudonym Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser, was an Austrian-born New Zealand artist[1] and architect who also worked in the field of environmental protection. Hundertwasser stood out as an opponent of "a straight line" and any standardization, expressing this concept in the field of building design. His best known work is the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna, Austria which has become a notable place of interest in the Austrian capital, characterised by imaginative vitality and uniqueness.
The Second World War was a very difficult time for Hundertwasser and his mother Elsa, who were Jewish. They avoided persecution by posing as Christians, a credible ruse as Hundertwasser's father had been a Catholic. Hundertwasser was baptized as a Catholic in 1935. To remain inconspicuous Hundertwasser also joined the Hitler Youth. Hundertwasser developed artistic skills early on.
After the war, he spent three months at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. At this time he began to sign his art as Hundertwasser instead of Stowasser.
He left to travel using a small set of paints he carried at all times to sketch anything that caught his eye. In Florence, he met the young French painter René Brô for the first time and they became lifelong friends. Hundertwasser's first commercial painting success was in 1952-53 with an exhibition in Vienna.Hundertwasser (left) 1965 in Hannover. His adopted surname is based on the translation of "sto" the Slavic word for "(one) hundred" into German. The name Friedensreich has a double meaning as "Peace-realm" or "Peace-rich" (in the sense of "peaceful"). Therefore, his name Friedensreich Hundertwasser translates directly into English as "Peace-Realm Hundred-Water". The other names he chose for himself, Regentag and Dunkelbunt, translate to "Rainy day" and "Darkly multi-coloured".
In the early 1950s, he entered the field of architecture. Hundertwasser also worked in the field of applied art, creating flags, stamps, coins, and posters. He also designed stamps for Cape Verde and for the United Nations postal administration in Geneva on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 1957 Hundertwasser acquired a farm on the edge of Normandy. [3] Hundertwasser married Herta Leitner in 1958 but they divorced two years later. He married again in 1962 to the Japanese artist Yuko Ikewada but she divorced him in 1966. He had gained a popular reputation by this time for his art. In 1964 Hundertwasser bought "Hahnsäge", a former saw mill, in the sparsely populated Lower Austria's Waldviertel. There, far from the hustle and bustle and surrounded by nature, he set up a new home.He spent some time in the 1960's in the central African Tooro Kingdom where he painted a number of works and named them after the kingdom. In 1972 Hundertwasser incorporated in Switzerland, the "Grüner Janura AG", which was renamed to "Namida AG" 2008. Via this stock company Hundertwasser managed his intellectual property rights.
In the 1970s, Hundertwasser acquired several properties in the Bay of Islands in New Zealand, which include a total area of approximately 372 ha of the entire "Kaurinui" valley. There he realized his dream of living and working closely connected to nature.
Beside other projects he designed the "Bottle House" there. He could live largely self-sufficient using solar panels, a water wheel and a biological water purification plant. Also his first grass roofs experiment took place here. In 1979 Hundertwasser bought the vast historical garden Giardino Eden including the Palazzo Villa delle Rose, from Alexandra of Yugoslavia via his Swiss company. In 1980, Hundertwasser visited Washington D.
To support activist Ralph Nader's efforts to oppose nuclear proliferation. [10] Hundertwasser planted trees in Judiciary Square and advocated on behalf of a co-op owner who was fined for designing her own window.
Mayor Marion Barry declared November 18 to be Hundertwasser Day. In 1982, Hundertwasser's only child, his daughter Heidi Trimmel, was born. Hundertwasser was buried in New Zealand after his death at sea on the Queen Elizabeth 2 in 2000 at the age of 71.
In a letter from 1954 Hundertwasser described the square as "geometric rectangles compressed columns on the march". Beginning in the 1950s Hundertwasser traveled globally promoting ecological causes. [13] In 1959 Hundertwasser got involved with helping the Dalai Lama escape from Tibet by campaigning for the Tibetan religious leader in Carl Laszlo's magazine Panderma. In later years, when he was already a known artist, Friedensreich Hundertwasser became an environmental activist and most recently operated as a more prominent opponent of the European Union, advocating the preservation of regional peculiarities. Among the lesser-known facets of Hundertwasser's personality is his commitment to constitutional monarchy.
Austria needs something to look up to, consisting of perennial higher values-of which one now hardly dares to speak-such as beauty, culture, internal and external peace, faith, richness of heart... Austria needs an emperor, who is subservient to the people. A superior and radiant figure in whom everyone has confidence, because this great figure is a possession of all. The rationalist way of thinking has brought us, in this century, an ephemeral higher, American standard of living at the expense of nature and creation, which is now coming to an end, for it is destroying our heart, our quality of life, our longing, without which an Austrian does not want to live.
It is outrageous that Austria has an emperor who did no evil to anyone but is still treated like a leper. Long live the constitutional monarchy!Long live Otto von Habsburg! Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Für die Wiederkehr der konstitutionellen Monarchie (For the Return of the Constitutional Monarchy). Kaurinui, New Zealand, 28 March 1983; dedicated, on 14 May 1987, to Otto von Habsburg for his 75th birthday. Hundertwasser's koru flag, proposed in 1983 as a new New Zealand national flag based on a motif from Maori culture. Hundertwasser's Down Under Flag, proposal for a new Australian national flag with Uluru positioned to show "Australia holding the earth from down under".
The common themes in his work utilised bright colours, organic forms, a reconciliation of humans with nature, and a strong individualism, rejecting straight lines. He was fascinated by spirals, and called straight lines "godless and immoral" and "something cowardly drawn with a rule, without thought or feeling"[14] He called his theory of art "transautomatism", focusing on the experience of the viewer rather than the artist.
[15] This was encapsulated by his design of a new flag for New Zealand, which incorporated the image of the Koru a spiral shape based on the image of a new unfurling silver fern frond and symbolizing new life, growth, strength and peace according to the Maori people. A typical Hundertwasser facade: the Hundertwasserhaus in Plochingen, Germany. Even though Hundertwasser first achieved notoriety for his boldly-coloured paintings, he is more widely known for his individual architectural designs. These designs use irregular forms, and incorporate natural features of the landscape.
The Hundertwasserhaus apartment block in Vienna has undulating floors ("an uneven floor is a melody to the feet"), a roof covered with earth and grass, and large trees growing from inside the rooms, with limbs extending from windows. From the early 1950s he increasingly focused on architecture, advocating more just human and environmental friendly buildings. This began with manifestos, essays and demonstrations. For example, he read out his "Mouldiness Manifesto against Rationalism in Architecture" in 1958 on the occasion of an art and architectural event held at the Seckau Monastery. He rejected the straight line and the functional architecture. [16] In Munich in 1967 he gave a lecture called "Speech in Nude for the Right to a Third Skin". His lecture "Loose from Loos, A Law Permitting Individual Buildings Alterations or Architecture-Boycott Manifesto", was given at the Concordia Press Club in Vienna in 1968. In the Mouldiness Manifesto he first claimed the "Window Right":A person in a rented apartment must be able to lean out of his window and scrape off the masonry within arm's reach. And he must be allowed to take a long brush and paint everything outside within arm's reach. So that it will be visible from afar to everyone in the street that someone lives there who is different from the imprisoned, enslaved, standardised man who lives next door.[14] In his nude speeches of 1967 and 1968 Hundertwasser condemned the enslavement of humans by the sterile grid system of conventional architecture and by the output of mechanised industrial production. [17] He rejected rationalism, the straight line and functional architecture.
For Hundertwasser, human misery was a result of the rational, sterile, monotonous architecture, built following the tradition of the Austrian architect Adolf Loos, author of the modernist manifesto Ornament and crime (1908). He called for a boycott of this type of architecture, and demanded instead creative freedom of building, and the right to create individual structures. [19] In 1972 he published the manifesto Your window right - your tree duty. Planting trees in an urban environment was to become obligatory: If man walks in nature's midst, then he is nature's guest and must learn to behave as a well-brought-up guest.
Hundertwasser propagated a type of architecture in harmony with nature in his ecological commitment. He campaigned for the preservation of the natural habitat and demanded a life in accordance with the laws of nature. He wrote numerous manifestos, lectured and designed posters in favor of nature protection, including against nuclear power, to save the oceans and the whales and to protect the rain forest.
He was also an advocate of composting toilets and the principle of constructed wetland. He perceived feces not as nauseous but as part of the cycle of nature. His beliefs are testified by his manifesto The Holy Shit and his DIY guide for building a composting toilet. In the 1970s, Hundertwasser had his first architectural models built. [citation needed] The models for the Eurovision TV-show "Wünsch Dir was" (Make a Wish) in 1972 exemplified his ideas on forested roofs, tree tenants and the window right.
In these and similar models he developed new architectural shapes, such as the spiral house, the eye-slit house, the terrace house and the high-rise meadow house. In 1974, Peter Manhardt made models for him of the pit-house, the grass roof house and the green service station - along with his idea of the invisible, inaudible Green Motorway. In the early 1980s Hundertwasser remodelled the Rosenthal Factory in Selb, and the Mierka Grain Silo in Krems. These projects gave him the opportunity to act as what he called an "architecture doctor". In architectural projects that followed he implemented window right and tree tenants, uneven floors, woods on the roof, and spontaneous vegetation.[citation needed] Works of this period include: housing complexes in Germany; a church in Bärnbach, Austria; a district heating plant in Vienna; an incineration plant and sludge centre in Osaka, Japan; a railway station in Uelzen; a winery in Napa Valley; and the Hundertwasser toilet in Kawakawa. In 1999 Hundertwasser started his last project named Die Grüne Zitadelle von Magdeburg (in German).
Although he never completed this work, the building was built a few years later in Magdeburg, a town in eastern Germany, and opened on October 3, 2005. Main article: List of buildings by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. District Heating Plant, Spittelau, Vienna, Austria.
Motorway Restaurant, Bad Fischau-Brunn, Austria. Hot Springs Village, Bad Blumau, Styria, Austria. Wohnen unterm Regenturm, Plochingen, Germany.Hundertwasser toilet, Kawakawa (New Zealand), 1999[24]. Ronald McDonald Kinder Vallei, Valkenburg aan de Geul, The Netherlands. An art gallery featuring Hundertwasser's work will be established in a council building in Whangarei, New Zealand, and will bring to fruition his 1993 plans for improving the building.
Hot springs, Bad Blumau (Austria). 1959 - Kaaba-League of legends, die halbe Insel, Hamburg Collection Poppe.1954 - Hundertwasser develops the Transautomatism art theory. 1967 - "Kingdom of the Toro" series[26][27]. The extensive work of Hundertwasser includes 26 stamps for various postal administrations. Modern Art in Austria, 1975.
Council of Europe Summit, Vienna, 1993. 80th Birthday Friedensreich Hundertwasser (4 stamps in the form of a block), 2008. Senegal - art on stamps (3 stamps), 1979. United Nations Postal Administration (Vienna, Geneva and New York) - 35th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (6 stamps), 1983. Liechtenstein - Homage to Liechtenstein, 1993.Two of the unrealized designs are alternative designs for a stamp issue (United Nations, Senegal) and were therefore not performed. In addition, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, has adapted some of his works for stamp issues. On the basis of these adaptations have been stamps issued by. United Nations Postal Administration (Vienna, Geneva and New York) - Social Summit (3 stamps), 1995. Luxembourg - European Capital of Culture (3 stamps), 1995.
Liechtenstein - EXPO 2000 in Hanover (3 stamps), 2000. The Austrian post office used more Hundertwasser motives for the European edition 1987 (Modern architecture, Hundertwasser House), on the occasion of his death in 2000 (painting Blue Blues, under the WIPA 2000) and 2004 National Donauauen (poster: The outdoors is our freedom at civil protests in Hainburg). For the first time a Hundertwasser motive was also used on a Cuban stamp, as part of the art exhibition Salon de Mayo (Havana, 1967). With the exception of service marks for the Council of Europe and the Cuban stamp, all stamps were engraved by Wolfgang Seidel and by the Austrian State Printing Office in a complex combination printing process produces (intaglio printing, rotogravure printing, as well as metal stamping). In 1989 Brockhaus released a 24-volume limited special edition of its encyclopedia with 1800 pieces, entirely designed by Hundertwasser. Each individual cover of this edition varies in colour of the linen as well as in the colours of foil stamping, making each copy a unique piece. No band, no cover I designed the encyclopedia is equal to the other. Nevertheless, they attack each other with all their differences and come together to form an overall picture. This is networking among themselves a symbol of knowledge, the Brockhaus gives.Stowasser: Latin-German school dictionary of Joseph Maria Stowasser. For the newly published 1994 edition of the dictionary "Little Stowasser" Hundertwasser-designed textile bindings in 100 different colour variations. 1995, Size: 20x28, 5 cm, 1688 pages, 80 full-page images, including 30 collages, the hundreds of water specifically for this Bible - Edition has created. Each Bible is characterized by a different colour combination of linen textiles.
Also the specimens differ in the bright shining metal colour imprints. Each cover is made mainly by hand. Hundertwasser's model of a proposed building to be constructed in Wellington. [28] The tiling is designed by Chris Southern, who worked with Hundertwasser on the Kawakawa toilets. In 1987, at the request of John Lydon, British designer and illustrator Richard Evans produced a homage to Hundertwasser for the cover of Public Image Limited's album Happy?
1959: Sanbra prize at the São Paulo Biennale, V. 1961: Mainichi Prize in Tokyo. 1980: Grand Austrian State Prize for Visual Arts. 1981: Austrian Nature Protection Award. 1982: Award-winning Author of the year.
1985: Officier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. 1988: Gold Medal of the City of Vienna. 1988: Gold Medal of Styria. 1997: Grand Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria[29]. Ferry Radax: Hundertwasser - Leben in Spiralen (Hundertwasser - life in spirals, 1966). Ferry Radax first documentary on his fellow-countryman. Ferry Radax: Hundertwasser in Neuseeland (Hundertwasser in New Zealand, 1998).After 30 years Ferry Radax made a second portrait of the artist. Peter Schamoni: Hundertwasser Regentag (Hundertwasser's Rainy Day, 1972). Hundertwasser, Vollständiger Oeuvre-Katalog publiziert aus Anlass der 100. Ausstellung der Kestner-Gesellschaft, Text by Wieland Schmied ed. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 1986.
I: Wieland Schmied: Personality, Life, Work. II: Andrea Fürst: Catalogue raisonné. Werner Hofmann, Hundertwasser, Salzburg: Verlag Galerie Welz, 1965 (German and English editions). Francois Mathey, Hundertwasser, Naefels: Bonfini Press Corporation, 1985. Harry Rand, Hundertwasser, Cologne: Taschen, 1991 (reprint 2018). The Power of Art - The Painter-King with the Five Skins, Cologne: Taschen, 1998. 1 by Wieland Schmied: Personality, Life, Work, Vol. 2 by Andrea Christa Fürst: Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne: Taschen, 2000/2002.Pierre Restany, Hundertwasser, New York: Parkstone, 2008. Dokumente einer Kontroverse über zeitgemäße Architektur.
Vienna: Edition Tusch, 1999, ISBN 3-85063-215-6. Hundertwasser Architecture, For a more human architecture in harmony with nature, Cologne: Taschen, 1997 (reprint 2018).
Hundertwasser ist ein Geschenk für Deutschland, catalogue of the exhibition at the Galerie Änne Abels, Cologne, 1963. Hundertwasser, Vollständiger Ouvre Katalog, Publiziert aus Anlass der 100. Ausstellung der Kestner-Gesellschaft, Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hanover, 1964. : Hundertwasser, catalogue of the exhibition at the University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley, 1968. Hundertwasser, catalogue of the exhibition at Aberbach Fine Art, New York, 1973 designed by Hundertwasser.
Hundertwasser 1973 New Zealand, published on the event of the travelling exhibition of Hundertwasser's graphic work in New Zealand and Australia 1973/74 (designed by Hundertwasser). Friedensreich Hundertwasser Regentag, catalogue of the exhibition at the Haus der Kunst, Munich, 1975 (designed by Hundertwasser). Hundertwasser, Hundertwasser Exhibition 1989, Japan Tour. Edited by Joshiharu Sasaki, Yuriko Ishikawa, Iwaki City Art Museum; Tomoko Oyagi, Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Museum; Hitoshi Morita, Ohara Museum of Art. Important Works, catalogue of the exhibition at Landau Fine Art, Montreal, 1994. Hundertwasser, catalogue of the travelling exhibition, Tokyo: APT International, 1998. Hundertwasser, edited by Minako Tsunoda, Nagoya: Nagoya City Art Museum, 1999. Hundertwasser KunstHausWien, Cologne: Taschen, 1999 (reprint 2018).Hommage à Hundertwasser 1928/2000, catalogue of the exhibition at the Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle, Alençon, France, 2001. Yoki Morimoto, Mayumi Hirano ed.
: Remainders of an Ideal - The Vision and Practices of Hundertwasser, catalogue of the travelling exhibition in Japan 2006/2007, Tokyo: APT International, 2006. The Yet Unknown Hundertwasser, catalogue of the exhibition at the KunstHausWien on occasion of the 80th Birthday, Munich: Prestel Verlag, 2008. Hundertwasser 2010 in Seoul, catalogue of the exhibition at the Seoul Arts Center - Hangaram Design Museum, Seoul: Maronie Books, 2010. : Hundertwasser - The Art of the Green Path, catalogue of the exhibition at the KunstHausWien, Munich: Prestel Verlag, 2011.
The fruits of the dreams. Catalogue of the exhibition at the Art Forum Würth (Capena) near Rome. Künzelsau: Swiridoff, 2008, ISBN 978-3-89929-137-7.
Christoph Grunenberg, Astrid Becker ed. : Friedensreich Hundertwasser - Gegen den Strich. Agnes Husslein-Arco, Harald Krejci, Axel Köhne ed. : Hundertwasser, Japan and the Avant-garde, catalogue of the exhibition at the Belvedere, Vienna, München: Hirmer Verlag, 2013.Sylvie Girardet, Nestor Salas ed. : Dans la peau de Hundertwasser, Salut l'artiste catalogue of the exhibition at the Musée en Herbe, Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux, 2013. Christian Gether, Stine Hoholt, Andrea Rygg Karberg Hrsg. : Hundertwasser, catalogue of the exhibition at the ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, Ishoj, Denmark, 2014.
SCHÖN & GUT, catalogue of the exhibition at the Buchheim Museum, Bernried, 2016. Hundertwasser 2016 in Seoul - The Green City, catalogue of the exhibition at the Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul, 2016. Hundertwasser Malerei, Art Club, Vienna, 1952.
Studio Paul Facchetti, Paris, 1954. Hundertwasser ist ein Geschenk für Deutschland, Galerie Änne Abels, Cologne, 1963. Travelling Exhibition 1964/65, Hundertwasser: Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hanover; Kunsthalle Bern; Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Museum, Hagen; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; Museum des 20.Travelling Exhibition 1968/69: USA, Hundertwasser; University Art Museum, Berkeley; Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara; The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; The Arts Club of Chicago; The Galerie St. Etienne, New York; The Phillips Collection, Washington DC. Aberbach Fine Art, New York, 1973. Travelling Exhibition 1973/74, Hundertwasser 1973 New Zealand, City of Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland; Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth; The New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington; City Art Gallery, Christchurch; City Art Gallery, Dunedin. Travelling Exhibition, Hundertwasser 1974 Australia, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; Albert Hall, Canberra; Opera, Sydney.
Stowasser 1943 bis Hundertwasser 1974, Albertina, Vienna, 1974. Haus der Kunst, Munich, 1975. Austria Presents Hundertwasser to the Continents.The World Travelling Museum Exhibition took place in 43 museums in 27 countries from 1975 to 1983. Das gesamte graphische Werk, Tapisserien, Mönchehaus-Museum für Moderne Kunst, Goslar, Germany, 1978.
Hundertwasser Tapisserien, Österreichisches Museum für angewandte Kunst, Vienna, 1979. Hundertwasser - Sérigraphies, eaux fortes, gravures sur bois japonaises, lithographies, Artcurial, Paris, 1980. Hundertwasser - Peintures Récentes, Artcurial, Paris, 1982. Paintings by Hundertwasser, Aberbach Fine Art, New York, 1983. Hundertwasser - Kunst und Umwelt, Mönchehaus-Museum für Moderne Kunst, Goslar, Germany, 1984. Hundertwasser à Tahiti - Gravure, Musée Gauguin, Tahiti, 1985/1986.Hundertwasser - Aus dem graphischen Werk, BAWAG Foundation, Vienna, 1986. Travelling exhibition 1989: Japan, Hundertwasser; Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Tokyo; Iwaki City Art Museum, Fukushima; Ohara Museum of Art, Okayama. Hundertwasser - Important works, Landau Fine Art, Montreal, 1994/1995. Friedensreich Hundertwasser - Die Waagerechte gehört der Natur, Mönchehaus-Museum für Moderne Kunst, Goslar, Germany, 1997. Hundertwasser Retrospektive, Institut Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt, Germany, 1998.
Travelling Exhibition 1998/99: Japan, Hundertwasser; Isetan Museum of Art, Tokyo; Museum "EKi", Kyoto; Sakura City Museum of Art, Chiba. Travelling Exhibition 1999: Japan, Hundertwasser Architecture - For a More Human Architecture in Harmony With Nature, Takamatsu City Museum of Art, Takamatsu; Nagoya City Art Museum, Nagoya; Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe; The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama. Hundertwasser - Peintures Parcours Rétrospectif, Galerie Patrice Trigano, Paris, 1999/2000. Hundertwasser Gedächtnisausstellung, Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz, Austria, 2000.
Hundertwasser-Architektur - Von der Utopie zur Realität, KunstHausWien, Vienna, 2000/2001. Kunst - Mensch - Natur, Minoritenkloster, Tulln and Egon Schiele-Museum, Tulln, Lower Austria, 2004. Fantastische Architectuur, Kunsthal Rotterdam, 2004. Travelling Exhibition 2005/06: Germany, Friedensreich Hundertwasser - Ein Sonntagsarchitekt.
Gebaute Träume und Sehnsüchte; Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM), Frankfurt; Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen, Schloss Gottorf; Kunstforum der Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall AG, Schwäbisch Hall; Städtische Museen Zwickau, Kunstsammlungen, Zwickau. Travelling Exhibition 2006/07: Japan, Remainders of an Ideal. The Visions and Practices of HUNDERTWASSER, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto; Musee d`art Mercian Karuizawa; Mitsukoshi Museum, Tokyo; Shimonoseki Museum, Yamaguchi.
The Art of Friedensreich Hundertwasser. A Magical Eccentric, Szépmüvészeti Museum, Budapest, 2007/2008.
La raccolta dei sogni, Art Forum Würth, Capena near Rome, 2008. Hundertwasser - Jüdische Aspekte, Jüdisches Museum Rendsburg, Julius-Magnus Haus, Rendsburg, Germany, 2008. In Harmonie mit der Natur, Minoritenkloster, Tulln, Austria, 2008. Friedensreich Hundertwasser und die Sehnsucht des Menschen nach dem Paradies, Christuskirche in Mainz and Landesmuseum Mainz, Germany, 2008.
Musee d'Unterlinden, Colmar, France, 2008. The Yet Unknown Hundertwasser, KunstHausWien, Vienna, 2008/2009. H U N D E R T W A S S E R. Symbiose von Technik, Ökologie und Kunst.
Die Wiedergutmachung an Industriegebäuden, Fernwärme Wien, Vienna, 2009. Hundertwasser-Pfad durch die Fernwärme Wien, Vienna, 2009. HUNDERTWASSER 2010 IN SEOUL, Seoul Arts Center - Design Museum, Seoul, Korea, 2010/2011.Hundertwasser - The Art of the Green Path, 20 years KunstHausWien anniversary exhibition, KunstHausWien, Austria, 2011. Hundertwasser - Le Rêve de la couleur, Centre de la Vieille Charité, Marseille, France, 2012.
Friedensreich Hundertwasser: Against the Grain. Hundertwasser - Japan and the Avant-garde. Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Unteres Belvedere/Orangerie, Vienna, 2013.Dans la peau de Hundertwasser, Museé en Herbe, Paris, 2014. HUNDERTWASSER: DE RECHTE LIJN IS GODDELOOS, Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Amstelveen, Netherlands, 2013/2014. Hundertwasser, Arken Museum, Ishøj, Denmark, 2014. Friedensreich Hundertwasser - Die Ernte der Träume, Sammlung Würth, Forum Würth Arlesheim, Switzerland, 2017. Hundertwasser - Lebenslinien, Osthaus Museum Hagen, Hagen, Germany, 2015.
Schön & Gut, Buchheim Museum, Bernried, Germany, 2016/2017. Hundertwasser - The green city, Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea, 2016/2017. Hundertwasser - En route pour le bonheur! Musée de Millau et de Grands Causses, Millau, Frankreich, 2018.
Akademie der bildenden Künste, Gemäldegalerie, Vienna, Austria. Akademie der bildenden Künste, Kupferstichkabinett, Vienna, Austria. Albertina, Vienna - Sammlung Essl. Albertina, Vienna - Sammlung Batliner. Artothek des Bundes, Vienna, Austria.
Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA. Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, Paris, France. Iwaki City Art Museum, Japan. KunstHausVienna, Museum Hundertwasser, Vienna, Austria. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark.MAK - Museum für angewandte Kunst, Vienna, Austria. Mishkan Le'Omanut, Museum of Art, Ein-Harod, Israel.
MUMOK - Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna, Austria. Musée d'Art moderne, Troyes, France.Museo del Novecento, Collezione Boschi di Stefano, Milan, Italy. Museu de Arte Contemporanea da USP, São Paulo, Brasil. Museum der Moderne - Rupertinum, Salzburg, Austria. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany.
Nagoya City Art Museum, Japan. Nationalgalerie Prag / Narodni galerie v Praze, Czech Republic. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Kopenhagen, Denmark. Austriaische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna, Austria. Ohara Museum of Art, Okayama, Japan. Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, Italy. Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany. San Diego Museum of Art, USA. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA.Sprengel Museum Hannover, Hanover, Germany. Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark. The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA.
The Niigata Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Japan. Original Graphic Works in Museums. Erzbischöfliches Dom- und Diözesanmuseum, Vienna, Austria. KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art Aalborg, Denmark. KunstHausWien, Museum Hundertwasser, Vienna, Austria.
Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Germany. McMaster Museum of Art, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. Muscarelle Museum of Art, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago de Chile. Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel, Museum Schloss Wilhelmshöhe, Graphische Sammlung, Germany.
Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti - museum of modern and contemporary art, Rijeka, Croatia. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA. Spencer Museum of Art, Lawrence, USA.
Takamatsu City Museum of Art, Japan. The Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, USA. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, USA. This item is in the category "Stamps\Worldwide\United Nations".
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